Our pricing is simple!

Our pricing is straightforward: a one-time signup fee followed by a monthly charge for each lead we generate.

No hidden fees, and no unexpected charges. We believe in simplicity and maximizing the return on every penny you invest.

About our prices

Our pricing structure is transparent and straightforward

There’s an initial signup fee of 3000€, and for this, we guarantee you 10 top-tier leads. We won’t initiate monthly billing until we’ve fulfilled this commitment.

After delivering these initial 10 leads, we’ll charge you 300€ for each high-quality lead we generate on a monthly basis. 

If your deals start from 10-15K, partnering with us is a wise choice. We project a consistent delivery of 10-15 quality leads every month, streamlining your closing process.

Increase sales and earn more

Generating more high-quality leads directly translates to smoother closings and increased deals. If your deals start from 10-15K, you can expect a solid ROI with our services.

Cut costs and save time

Lead generation can consume hours of your sales team's time – time that you're paying for. Redirect that energy and let them focus on closing the deals instead.

Let's see if we are a good fit! Enter your business goals below and let's find out!


We promise...

To make lead generation easy

Take your company to new heights and generate leads 24/7. 

10 leads with first payment

After sign-up fee, we won't charge you before we have secured at least 10 quality leads for you.

High quality leads

You will never get a cold lead that has zero knowledge about your service or product.

Fixed prices

We only charge you what we have agreed upon. No hidden costs or suprise payments.

Peace of mind

Never worry about where your next lead comes from - LeadGarden provides them for you.